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This Is Where Thing Change (A This Is Why reimagining)


Scene 1


A blonde-haired girl is lumbering around the stage, very carelessly. She’s wearing a black leather jacket, a pink shirt underneath, and a red bandana over her ponytail-ed hair. She’s also wearing black jeans, very aware that wearing pants is not something that girls did around that time. A very badass-ish/screw the system vibe. She’s walking around like she’s inspecting the hall’s history. Also, she’s very short.

MELODY (to herself, in an almost whisper)

God...these halls are so big...either that or I’m too small…

She keeps looking while a boy enters onto the stage. This boy has a more sophisticated aurora, with a proper stance and a neat, red sweater tucked into his black pants. He has curly red hair and textbooks in his hands. He sees Melody and stealthy goes up behind her.

MARVIN (authoritative, like a police finding a druggie)


MELODY screams and, as a reflex, punches MARVIN in the nose, hard.

MARVIN (contin.)

(drops his textbooks and holds his nose in pain) Ow! What the-?!


(not realizing that it’s MARVIN) oh my goodness, I’m so sorry! It’s a force of habit, (she bends down and picks up the textbooks before handing them to MARVIN, as a helpful gesture. When she does this, she realizes that it’s MARVIN. She then drops the empathic act and says in a monotone voice) oh. It’s just you.


(while rubbing his nose and shaking his head) Melody, why are you all the way over here? You’re supposed to be with the upperclassmen, taking a tour around the school.


(shrugs) I could ask you the same thing, Betty Boop.


(straightens up posture in a superior manner) For your information, if you so well demand it, the principal personally asked me to find wondering Freshman like you and help direct them back to a group.


Ah. And by, “principal” you mean your daddy?


My father being the principal of this school doesn’t mean anything.


(snorts) okkaayy.

MELODY continues to walk around and MARVIN shakes his head disapprovingly. MARVIN then looks stage left and notices someone else.



In walks a blonde boy from stage left, and immediately gives off a depressed vibe. He’s wear a baby blue sweater, untucked, and his hair is an absolute mess, although it’s hidden within a paint-splattered beanie. Timid in walking, like he doesn't want to be seen. He waves to MARVIN shyly.


Hey, guys.

MARVIN and MELODY walk to where NOAH is, both excited to see him.


I’ve barely seen you this summer! Where have you been?

NOAH (dismissively)

Oh, uh. Yeah, sorry about that, I’ve uber busy with my summer art class...


Ah. Understandable. My old piano teacher, Mrs. Mckennedy, used to be brutal with practice hours. Took up most of my free time.


Your free time doing what exactly?

MARVIN (annoyed)

I have a life, you know.

MELODY (to NOAH, ignoring MARVIN)

What are you doing away from the tour?


Um (shrugs) I don’t know, I wasn’t really vibing with it.

MARVIN (confused)

“Vibing with it?”


Yeah...I wasn’t really into I thought I’d just wonder by myself. Clear my head.

MELODY obviously noticing something is wrong with NOAH, and looks somewhat concerned.


Clear your head?...You okay? What’s gotchu unglued?*


(ignoring the question)

Hey, where’s Elizabeth? Shouldn’t she be here?

As if on cue, in runs a girl with short brown hair and preppy, purple dress on. She’s holding textbooks to her chest as she is frantically trying to find her way. She sees her 3 friends and breathes a sigh of relief as she jogs over to them.


Oh thank goodness I found you all! I’ve been running a muck trying to find where I’m supposed to you know where I’m supposed to be?

MELODY (laughing)

Oh sweet Lizzy, are you already lost?


(shyly chuckles) I’m hopeless, you guys, I’ll never be able to survive high school if I’m starting out like this.


(puts a hand on ELIZABETH’S back)

Hey, you won’t be alone, sweetcheeks. You gots us to back you up.

The bell for 1st hour rings and the 4 teenager start walking off. MARVIN, MELODY, and ELIZABETH walk off stage right, talking about other things and catching up. NOAH stays behind as they walk. He watches as they exit the stage, then looks upwards (like he’s looking at a heaven), then exits stage left.


*Unglued = upset


Scene 2


MELODY, MARVIN, and ELIZABETH are sitting at a lunch table, talking and eating like all kids do. NOAH enters stage right with a lunch tray and sits down with them (specifically, next to ELIZABETH). When he sits down, he immediately puts his head down and starts taking a nap. While MARVIN and MELODY are still talking nonsense (most likely arguing about something), ELIZABETH notices NOAH sleeping.


Didn’t get much shut-eye last night?

NOAH nods his head yes without lifting his head.

ELIZABETH (contin.)

Oh, I get that heh. I could barely sleep last night, I was so nervous about today! Although, I have to say, so far it’s not as difficult as I imagined. (notices that NOAH hasn’t moved his head at all)...Noah?




Do you guys think there’s something wrong with Noah?

MELODY and MARVIN stop talking (during ELIZABETH’s and NOAH’s dialogue, their miming) and look at NOAH sleeping.


What do you mean?


I don’t know...he’s been sort


(nods) To be honest, Marv, I’ve kind of noticed it too. Noah has seemed so tired and depressed all day.

MARVIN (snarky)

You can recognize human emotions?

MELODY punches MARVIN on the arm and rolls her eyes.

MARVIN (contin.)

It’s the first day of school, girls, he’s bound to be tired. Especially after months of a whack sleeping schedule.


(same snarky tone that MARVIN used earlier, as a mocking manner) Did I just hear Marvin Gideon say the word “whack”?

MARVIN (ignoring MELODY)

I’m sure everything is fine, Elizabeth. You over-worry. Biggest flaw of caring people like you.


(smiles faintly and looks at NOAH tenderly. Like a mother) You’re right. I need to learn to be “laid back”, as Melody likes to call it.


Damn right.


Watch your language.

MELODY (annoyed and pissed)

The day I listen to a man is the day I listen to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ telling me that I’ve been accepted into heaven. Get it? Cause I’ll be as dead as a doornail!

MELODY’s yelling wakes up NOAH. He sits straight up and slouches back down (still sitting) when he realizes that everything is okay.

MELODY (sheepish)

Oh...sorry, Noah, did I wake you?

NOAH nods and rubs his eyes


It’s okay, though.


So, now that you’re awake, maybe you can finally talk to us about your summer. How were the art classes? Fun?

NOAH nods, not looking like he’s about to say anything else about the subject. MARVIN MELODY and ELIZABETH are staring at him, waiting for NOAH to speak. NOAH notices after a bit.




(sits back in her chair, looking a tad bored) Did anything interesting happen?


(shrugs) Met a few people.


Oh! Who?

NOAH is quiet for a bit then sighs.


I met someone named Jason. Jason Waller.


(sits up) Now that is interesting. Tell us about the Jason character.

NOAH abruptly gets out of his chair, looking like he’s about to be sick. He grabs his school bag.

NOAH (annoyed and getting ready to leave)

I’m a little uncomfortable being interrogated at the moment.


Excuse me?


You’re excused.


Hey, what’s your bag, man?



NOAH starts walking off stage left.

ELIZABETH (calls out to NOAH)

Then where are you going?

NOAH (without breaking stride)

Somewhere else.

NOAH exits.

MELODY looks to where NOAH left and glares at MARVIN.

MELODY (sarcastic to MARVIN)

Oh, yeah. Nothing is wrong at all, Marvin.

ELIZABETH look at both MARVIN and MELODY in frustration before leaving the table herself, towards the direction of NOAH.



Scene 3


NOAH and ELIZABETH enter stage left. NOAH looks like he’s trying to get away from ELIZABETH, and ELIZABETH is trying to keep up with NOAH. It’s raining outside also.

NOAH Stop tagging me, Liz.


Not until you tell me what’s been up with you.


I have absolutely no idea what you could be talking about.

ELIZABETH runs in front of NOAH, grabs his arms, and stops him in his track


You’ve been acting so strange all day, Noah. Please, if something happened this summer, you can tell me!

NOAH is frustrated and wiggles aggressively out of ELIZABETH’s grasp and continues walking. ELIZABETH stays where she is.

ELIZABETH (contin.)

I thought we were friends!

NOAH stops in his tracks and slowly turns to ELIZABETH.


Then leave me the hell alone.

NOAH walks off and enters his house (stage right). ELIZABETH stays there for a few seconds, takes a deep breathe, and powerfully walks her way to NOAH’s front door and goes in.



Scene 4


ELIZABETH walks in soaked from being outside and sees NOAH standing in front of a canvas stage right. He’s also wet, and shivering, but he’s dead-on staring at that blank canvas. It’s almost a haunting sight for ELIZABETH, yet she knows what she has to do.


(quietly) what’s wrong?

NOAH doesn’t answer. Instead, he grabs a nearby paintbrush and paint from his desk. He starts to dip his brush gently in black paint.


(more sternly) Noah. Please. Talk to me. (NOAH still won’t answer) You’ve not been yourself, lately. What’s been bumming you out?

NOAH looks back at ELIZABETH, like this is the first time he’s seeing/noticing her. He looks back at the canvas and paints a giant black slash across it. After that, wipes his brush and pulls out more colored paint from his desk.


(after thinking for a bit) You talked about someone in the cafeteria today, do you remember? You mentioned someone named Jason. Someone you met this summer, in your summer art classes? It was only for a moment it something to do with him? (NOAH flinches and takes a deep, shaky breathe, and ELIZABETH notices) You can talk to me, Noah.

NOAH starts dipping his brush in red paint and meanlessly splatters it on the canvas. It looks messy but intentional.


(not looking at ELIZABETH) He was tossed out of his home. By his own folk.





ELIZABETH looks shocked but stays quiet, waiting for NOAH to say more. He looks back at her and sighs.

NOAH (cont.)

He’s...he’s not…(goes quiet) a-around anymore.


(still confused) Did he leave this town or something?

NOAH’s stance is immediately slouched, like he’s breaking down.


N-no...he...he’s gone, Liz.


(quietly as she realizes) Jason...passed away?


A week before school started. He took his life.

ELIZABETH gasps, obviously surprised at the situation, but continues to not say anything, hoping that NOAH will speak some more.

NOAH starts to paint a bit more rushly, a bit more sloppier. His voice is more strained as he’s trying to keep it together.

NOAH (cont.)

He was a great guy, you know! We...immediately clicked the first day we met. (his voice breaks down more and he paints more aggressively) He was kind. And colorful, and-and (searches for a word) he liked all the things I liked! You know? Jason also loved to paint, and he enjoyed older music, and...and…

NOAH stops talking, realizing that he’s rambling, and continues to paint. There’s a few seconds of absolute, tense silence. It’s deafening, but NOAH pretends to not be affected by it. He’s still painting like ELIZABETH isn’t there.

ELIZABETH (in a blunt, curious manner)

Did you love him?




Jason. Did you love him? Like...really love him?

NOAH doesn’t answer.


Noah...please...answer me. I have to know.


(after silence)...and what if I did? Huh? Would you disown me as a friend?

ELIZABETH (shocked)

No, of course no-

NOAH (a little louder)

Would you be disgusted?



NOAH (louder)

Appalled? Disturbed? Horrified?!

ELIZABETH doesn’t answered, scared to be interrupted again, and NOAH continues to paint.

There’s another deafening pause as ELIZABETH is trying to think. She doesn't know how to respond, for something like this has never happened to her. She feels stuck and almost helpless.

ELIZABETH looks around, desperate to find something to cheer NOAH up. She finds a record player on stage left. Hastily, she makes her way over to it and picks out the first vinyle she finds. She puts it on and “Revolution” by The Beatles starts playing. ELIZABETH smiles and starts grooving to the music. She dances her way to NOAH and turns him around.


What are you doing?


(Grabs Noah’s hands and starts moving him around) Dance with me, Noah. Come on, like we used to in the 6th grade.


Why would you want to dance with me?

ELIZABETH spins NOAH around playfully and starts to sway with him to the music.


Because you’re one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world, and I like dancing with my bestest friends in the whole wide world.

NOAH doesn’t seem very convinced and ELIZABETH sighs and slouches a bit. A few seconds later ELIZABETH straightens out her posture and puts her hand gently under NOAH’s chin, lowering it.


Noah Butler, I am so unbelievably sorry about Jason...I could never and hope to never know what it is like to go through something like that. But please, I beg you, always remember that I love you. I love you no matter what. (she smiles) “Make love, not war.” Let’s dance, not cry.

NOAH beams, a great sense of relief flowing through him like he’s never felt before. ELIZABETH beams back, and laughs before dancing once again. This time, NOAH joins her.

After while, they both become little kids again, being silly and not worrying about a thing. It’s a beautiful site.

The song ends and they both are pulled back into reality. NOAH looks around like he’s trying to process everything back. ELIZABETH is patient with him. When NOAH’s eyes go to ELIZABETH, he immediately goes in and hugs her hard. Like he’s holding on for dear life. ELIZABETH hugs him back just as hard. NOAH then slides down and holds onto ELIZABETH’s waist. Despite ELIZABETH’s words earlier, NOAH starts to cry. She notices.

ELIZABETH (gently petting NOAH’s hair, almost in tears herself)

No, don’t cry. Please…

NOAH (sobbing)

I don’t know what I’m going to do, Liz. How long will I be able to keep this a secret? From my parents? From Melody and Marvin?


You won’t have to keep this a secret from Melody and Marvin. They’ll love you no matter what.


What about my parents? Society itself?

ELIZABETH goes silent for a few seconds.


Things are changing, Noah.

NOAH lifts his head to ELIZABETH.




We’re changing. And I don’t just mean as individuals. I mean as a society.

NOAH still looks confused.

ELIZABETH (contin.)

I don’t know if you can see it. But I have. The world is becoming more lovely. More accepting to you. I see protests. And the signs people hold up, demanding to be heard. You have a voice. And you don’t have to be silent about who you are for much longer. I promise.

NOAH starts to cry again, but this time of happiness. Of relief. ELIZABETH holds him dearly.

ELIZABETH (contin.)’s okay, it’s okay. This is where things change. I can feel it.


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